Welcome to our channel, where we create content of all things boardgame related. This includedes everything from your classical boardgames such as Monopoly, to the more miniature heavy games and dungeon crawlers.

We started the channel back in Febrary 2021. Back then all our content was in Danish, which is also why our name contains the DK in the end. In January 2022 we have decided to switch over to English as our main video language to try and make content for a broader audience. We have kept the DK in the name to show our origin.

Our content is presented by our experienced team of dads, who knows that having kids can put some restraints on the time available to prepare and play games.

So if you want tips and guides for games. Unboxing and reviews of different games and products. Flashbacks to your childhood and teen years, seasoned with anecdotes and references so old your kids can't follow. And all this seasoned with som dad jokes, then this is the channel for you.

Who are we?

Below is a short introduction to each of our dads, who create content to the channel.

René Højgaard Ludvigsen

aka Bamse, Medoni

Familydad with 2 children age 6 and 10.

I have been gaming on everything from Amiga to PC. Today I'm primarily playing on Nintendo Switch, but I occasionally also relax with som mobilegames.

My focus will be on the more classic boardgames and games for the whole family.

René Storc

aka Storc, Storcy

Dad to a girl and a small boy and strengthtrainings nerd.

I have been a Dungeon Master since 1999. My area of expertise covers games like: Star Wars RPG, Pathfinder 1st, D&D 5.

I also have a strong focus on modern boardgames. For solo playing i primarily play on my Nintendo switch.

Claus Engel-Christensen

aka CP, Kodylprygl, Zargore

I'm a dad to 2 children, a boy age 8 and a girl age 10. I'm very interested in all types of gaming, wheter it's PC, console, tabletop roleplaying games, boardgames or miniature games.

I have been riding the wave of personal computers since the Commodore 64, then the Amiga and forward to PC. When we talk about consoles I have been a Nintendo guy since the Super Nintendo and still is today.

I have also been playing a long series of different tabletop RPG's such as D&D, Vampires, GURPS, Via Prudensiae, etc. I stated playing RPG's in my early teens and at the same time I started playing Warhammer, which primarily was the old Fantasy setting I played.

My focus will be on the more miniature heavy games and dungeons crawlers, especially from smaller brands existing out there.

Where to find us?

You can follow us on the following social medias.